The Washington Post asked dozens of college admissions officers for insights into what they like to see in essays. Here are a few choice quotes:
“I look for beautiful, clear writing that comes to life on the essay page and offers insight into the character and personality of the student.”
“If you’re a serious person, write your essay with a serious voice. If you’re a funny person, be funny. If you’re not a funny person, your college essay might not be the best place to try on that funny writer voice for the first time.”
“We want to enroll students who will contribute to the life of the campus, so we are eager to see how you have contributed to your high-school community or the community in which you live.”
“It is a pet peeve when we see an anomaly in grades and the student never addresses this. Tell us what happened and how you turned it around.”
“You can’t fake it during the admission process. If you do, you’ll end up at a college or university that’s a poor fit.”
“Some of my most memorable offers of admission have gone to students who like to color outside the lines.”