The Washington Post: “Who knows what the black and white cat was thinking when it arrived on American University’s campus … Whatever the case, this cat — known as Wonk Cat, or the Wonk Cat, if you prefer — has settled in at American, in Northwest Washington. It has become a film star, and it is the subject of tweets from the university’s president. It has a special cat dorm room, set up near a campus building. Here at American, Wonk Cat has found a home.”
“For Stephanie DeStefano, American’s grounds operations manager, this tale of a tail began in the fall, when she noticed piles of cat food in planting beds on campus.” She comments: “It wasn’t long before I had the pleasure of meeting Wonk Cat, who the students had already adopted and named. I have no idea where she came from. Or, actually, if it’s a she or a he.”
“Wonk Cat is not the only cat on American’s campus. A second feline was relocated to the grounds during the winter. That transfer cat, Max, is not exactly pals with Wonk Cat yet, but perhaps we should give this more time … American is not the only animal-friendly campus. Websites for Texas A&M University and the University of West Florida mention cats.” Alice Bershtein, a rising junior at American, comments: “College is a very stressful experience and kind of makes you feel alone. There’s something about animal companionship that is so soothing and reaffirming. I feel like the Wonk Cat kind of serves that purpose.”